Don’t use home remedies to get rid of pigmentation!


So the sun has all but disappeared leaving us with colder days but it often leaves behind the not-so-welcome pigmentation! Put the apple cider vinegar and yoghurt down and stop using home remedies on your pigmentation and lets look at treatments that will actually help. So what exactly is pigmentation, and how can you utilise skincare, and in clinic treatments to help magic it away. 

What's Pigmentation?

In simple terms, pigmentation refers to the uneven colouring of your skin. It often shows up as dark spots, freckles, or patches. Blame it on the sun's UV rays - they're the prime culprits behind pigmentation. Your skin's melanin production goes into overdrive to protect you from those rays, and sometimes, it overdoes it, leaving you with uneven skin tone and often texture.

Pigmentation can manifest in various ways. You might notice:

-Age Spots: These often pop up on your hands and face as you get older. They're those brown spots that seemingly appear out of nowhere.

- Freckles:Those cute little dots may become more pronounced after a sunny summer.

- Melasma: Hormonal changes can trigger this, leading to larger, darker patches on your face, often during pregnancy or when using contraception pills. 

So now you know what it is and how it’s caused, we want to know how we can get rid of it without resorting to those pigmentation home remedies. Home remedies for pigmentation can be down right dangerous, they can damage the skin long term and actually cause permanent damage . So stop using the home remedies you have googled and start using proven evidence based treatments. Pigmentation can often be difficult to eradicate. It takes commitment and patience but with the use of ongoing skincare and combining with skin treatments that will leave you with a more even skin complexion 


Hydroquinone and arbutin are two heavy-hitters in the battle against pigmentation:

- Hydroquinone: Is prescription only skin-lightening agent that can reduce the appearance of dark spots. But, it does need to be used with caution and under professional guidance, as it can be quite potent.

- Arbutin: Is a gentler alternative to hydroquinone, arbutin also helps lighten dark spots, it can take longer however it has less side effects and and is often found in over-the-counter skincare products.

-Retinol/retinoids: Retinoids are a prescription only strength of vitamin A. It's not only fantastic for fighting wrinkles but also for tackling pigmentation. It stimulates collagen production, exfoliates your skin, and helps fade those pesky spots over time. However it can aggravate the skin, cause redness and irritation.  Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A and again can often be gentler to the skin but don’t mistake it as it can cause irritation. Both work well and recommended to use under the guidance of a health care practitioner. Remember less is more, start with a lower concentration and gradually work your way up. ‘Low and Slow’.

Treatments: Chemical Peels & Microneedling

For best and quicker results combine these products with in clinic professional treatments such as chemical peels or microneedling. 

- Chemical Peels: A skin professional can perform chemical peels, where a chemical solution is applied to your skin to exfoliate and remove the top layer. This encourages new, pigment-free skin to emerge.

- Microneedling: Tiny needles create controlled micro-wounds in your skin, stimulating collagen production by asking your skin to heal itself and improving pigmentation issues.

Remember, patience is key when it comes to dealing with pigmentation. It might take a few months to start and see significant improvement, and will need life time use of SPF to prevent it from returning so stick with your routine and be consistent 

In a nutshell, pigmentation might be a summer souvenir, but it doesn't have to be permanent. With the right skincare regimen and professional treatments, you can say goodbye to those dark spots and welcome back your radiant, even-toned skin. So put down those cooking ingredients stop using home remedies to treat your pigmentation and start your journey to pigment free skin book a consultation today. Link in the home page. 
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